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IUI – Intra Uterine Insemination

Intra uterine insemination, also known as artificial insemination or artificial insemination, the fast-moving sperm are separated from the slower-moving sperm and placed close to the woman's womb around the time of ovulation. The initial stage of fertility treatment, Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI), is a low-cost way to increase fertility in a woman.

Procedure Guide

Initial Consultation with Bhaskar Fertility Specialist
  • Stimulation

    • In order for one or more mature follicles to form in a woman's ovaries, stimulation drugs are administered.

  • Control

    • In order to examine the endometrium (the lining of the womb) and evaluate the development of the follicles, pelvic ultrasound scans are performed.

    • Blood tests can also be used to assess hormone levels and assist predict when a woman will ovulate, or when she will be most fertile.

  • Ovulation

    • A hCG injection is administered after ovulation induction cycles to trigger ovulation, the final maturation of the egg, and the release of the egg from the follicle wall.

  • Semen Collection

    • After 2 to 5 days without ejaculating, a semen sample is taken from the male spouse.

  • Sperm Selection

    • In a lab, the semen is "washed" (called sperm processing or sperm washing).

    • The sperm is concentrated in a small volume after being isolated from the semen's other components.

    • The washing and separation can be done using a variety of media and methods.

    • Processing sperm typically takes 30 to 60 minutes.

    • For insemination, the more morphologically normal and mobile sperm are selected.

  • Insemination

    • The cervical region is delicately cleansed after a speculum is inserted into the vagina.
      A sterile, flexible catheter is used to elevate the washed sample of highly mobile sperm in the uterine cavity.

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